
Pharmaceuticals from space to land at Koonibba Test Range

October 26, 2023 12:36 pm in by
Photo: Southern Launch | A render of the Varda capsule re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere

Southern Launch has stepped into the world of orbital manufacturing, partnering with Varda Space Industries who are engineering pharmaceuticals in space.

The two companies are collaborating to use the Koonibba Test Range as a re-entry point for manufacturing capsules.

Southern Launch Chief Operating Officer Rebecca Darcey says this will significantly benefit the Eyre Peninsula.

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“The Eyre Peninsula has an opportunity to really be involved in some high-tech manufacturing and be a part of the value chain that’s created by having these returns here, Ms Darcey says.

“These high-tech industries need people to refurbish their capsules, to assist in the returns and launch process, and all of the additional complimentary industries that come from that.”
